Project Performance

Part of the Monitoring Plan for the IRWMP is based on the progress of individual projects, funded through the Plan, in meeting their project performance goals. These are tracked through a number of databases to be used for applicable projects.

Central Coast Action Tracker
The Central Coast Action Tracker is an effort between the Greater Monterey County Regional Water Management Group and the Central Coast Resource Conservation Districts. The Action Tracker will be an online tool (currently under construction) that will allow project proponents to register and update information on conservation projects across the region in order to track efforts and improve stakeholders’ ability to evaluate collective impacts and effectiveness. The vision is to create a new website which will detail information on various conservation and water quality related projects throughout the Central Coast, including those from the IRWM Plan.

The Project Team has been working on the building blocks for this website for several years, by gathering input on the content and functional input and output requirements of a tracking system. A database has been designed to accommodate various project types from a wide range of organizations. The team is currently developing the entry forms that project managers will use to enter data to the database through the Tracker website. Additionally, the Team is compiling GIS data for incorporation into the Tracker.

All projects that involve groundwater quality must meet the criteria for and be compatible with Gama.

Projects that involve surface water quality must meet the criteria for and be compatible with SWAMP.

CEDEN was created by the State Water Resources Control Board with support from the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) to include all available statewide data (such as that produced by research and volunteer organizations)

Wetland Tracker
Projects that involve wetland restoration must be uploaded to the California Wetland Tracker.

CalEEMod is a statewide land use emissions computer model designed to provide a uniform platform for government agencies, land use planners, and environmental professionals to quantify potential criteria pollutant and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with both construction and operations from a variety of land use projects. We are requiring all IRWMP projects to do the CalEEMod assessment, summaries of which can be entered in the Action Tracker.